On the legal, the subject is invested and managed by CAPITAL CITY ASSETS LIMITED. It is considered a member of ASLEY FURNITURE - a well-known furniture manufacturer in the USA. The company specializes in manufacturing furniture products, including sofas, leather, fabric products, etc. The materials and equipment for production are imported from China, Taiwan, South Korea, India, USA, Turkey, etc. 100% of its products have been exported to foreign markets.The subject's business results grew very well in the first years of operation but were reduced in 2022, which might be due to the negative effects of the post-COVID economic downturn. Although the subject was ranked as an extremely large company in the industry, it largely depended on external sources and shorted the working capital for a long time hence the payment capacity was limited.
No. 1, Road No. 1, Viet Nam - Singapore Industrial Park, Tinh Phong Commune
Cao Bang; North Eastern Vietnam;
Postal Code: 53000-54000
Contact Details: Purchase the Millennium Furniture Co., Ltd. report to view the information.
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