AGILITY LIMITED was founded in 2007 with its headquarters in Ho Chi Minh City and a branch in Ha Noi City. It provides logistics services and support services for transportation, being a member of AGILITY - the world-famous freight forwarding company. It is noted that DSV A/S has acquired Agility's Global Integrated Logistics (GIL) business since 16 Aug 2021. This combination has meaningfully enhanced the position of DSV in the global transport and logistics industry, making the company a top three player in the industry. Accordingly, the trade name of the subject company has changed to DSV recently as a revelation by a female staff of the company, however, it has not yet made a change in registered names on the legal form up to now.In terms of finance, the subject recorded continuous growth in net sales during the 2017-2021 period. The net income had fluctuation, yet it was always positive. In this investigation, we have contacted Mr. Tran Viet Hung – Chief Accountant without updating the latest financial statement. He only supports or cooperates with relevant partners directly and refused to do via a third party. Despite trying best, we have not yet updated it from other sources.
Republic Plaza Building, 18E Cong Hoa, Ward 4
Ho Chi Minh municipality; South Eastern Vietnam;
Postal Code: 70000-74000
Contact Details: Purchase the Agility Limited report to view the information.
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