Turonbank works on the market of banking services from November 1990 through license from the Central Bank of the Republic of Uzbekistan
The bank provides a wide range of banking services, adopted in the international banking practice, has been actively involved in the implementation of investment projects, with necessary for this case financial, technological and human resources.
Turonbank — member international SWIFT electronic payment system, the first representative money trancfers fast mail” in Uzbekistan, the representative of such transfers, as Western Union , Coinstar and Contact , a member of Association of Banks of Uzbekistan.
Correspondent business connects with banks in Europe and the CIS, which is very important in ensuring the quality and fast calculation of foreign currency.
TURON Bank serves large organizations such as: the Ministry of Agriculture and Water Resources and its departments, the Agency Road and River Transport of the Republic of Uzbekistan and its departments, as well as a number of other departments and organizations of the republic.
Most important in the bank - is Clients. Therefore, each of the clients, regardless of the scope of activity and size of a bank account can count on attention to the his problems in their individual decision and complete openness of leadership.
4A, Abaya Street
Ташкент; Ташкент;
Почтовый индекс: 7000116
Контактные детали: Для просмотра информации приобретите Turon Bank Atb отчет .
Вэб-сайт: http://www.turonbank.uz
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