Sarbon-Neftegaz JSC is a company located in Tashkent, Uzbekistan. It was incorporated on March 14, 1994, according to the order of the State Committee for Investments. The company was previously known as ATP GO "Uzneftegazkomplekt" NK "Uzbekneftegaz" and was transformed into a joint-stock company with a registered capital of 1988, 5 thousand sum-coupons. On March 25, 1994, the company received an order and a certificate of state registration. The company's articles of association were registered by the Ministry of Justice of the Republic of Uzbekistan on December 27, 1994. Sarbon-Neftegaz JSC offers transportation services for goods and passengers. The company has a fleet of 115 vehicles, including trucks, cars, and buses. The volume of transportation services provided by the company depends on market demand and the company's production capacity. The company's headquarters is located at 118 Aerodromnaya Street, Hamza District, Tashkent. The company has repair workshops, sheds, and an administrative complex on a land area of 7.0 hectares, including 1.3 hectares for production facilities. The company's shares are held by AK "Uzgeoburneftgaz" with a 51% stake and individual shareholders with a 49% stake. The company's shares are managed by several investment intermediaries, including TSIAR-DEPO LLC, NEFTEGAZDEPOZIT LLC, TAT-REESTR LLC, DALAL-STANDART LLC, and KAPITAL-DEPOZIT LLC. It is important to note that this summary does not include information about the company's history, customers, or main markets, as these details were not mentioned in the source.
Aerodromnaya Str,118, Yashnobodsky Region
Ташкент; Ташкент;
Почтовый индекс: 100050
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