The Uzbek Republican Commodity Exchange was established as an open joint stock company, registered with the Ministry of Justice in April 1994 and today is the largest trading platform in Central Asia and a fast growing commodity exchange in the CIS countries.
The Exchange create the best conditions for the business of our customers by providing high quality services, introducing innovations in the commodity markets and in the area of e-commerce.
The Uzbek Republican Commodity Exchange is in Bobura street, Tashkent city, Republic of Uzbekistan.
The Uzbek Republican Commodity Exchange s share is listing on Taskent Republician Stock Exchange on December 25, 2014 under the symbol URTS .
The Uzbek Republican Commodity Exchange s share was delisted on Taskent Republician Stock Exchange on December 31,2021
77, Bobura Street
Ташкент; Ташкент;
Контактные детали: Для просмотра информации приобретите Ozbekiston Respublikasi Tovar-Xomashyo Birjasi Aj отчет .
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