Jizzax hududiy elektr tarmoqlari korxonasi JSC, located in Jizzax, is a regional electric network company. It was established in accordance with the decree of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan on March 27, 2019, with the main function of managing enterprises of territorial electric networks that distribute and supply electrical energy to end consumers. The company consists of 12 regional branches and 2 territorial (regional) electric network enterprises, which operate and develop electrical networks ranging from 0.4 to 110 kV. They are responsible for construction, reconstruction, maintenance, and repairs of the networks. Additionally, the company has 3 branches that focus on automation, development of state and contractual services, and government procurement. The company supplies electricity to residential and legal consumers in Uzbekistan through its regional branches, enterprises, and numerous substations, transformer points, and transmission lines.
5 Tashkentskaya St
Контактные детали: Для просмотра информации приобретите Джизакское ПТЭС АО отчет .
Вэб-сайт: http://jizplast.uz
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