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Dori-Darmon Aj (Узбекистан)

Основные виды деятельности: Производство лекарственного сырья
Полное наименование компании: Dori-Darmon Aj Дата обновления данных о компании: 23 июля 2024
Купить наш отчет этой компании USD 29,95 Актуальные финансовые данные: 2023 Доступен на: английский & русский Скачать образец отчета

In 1922, August 1, at the Public Healthcare commissariat of the Turkistan Independent Soviet Socialistic Republic the Pharmaceutical Department was instituted.
In 1924, October 27 the Uzbek Soviet Socialistic Republic was organized, and in February, 1925 at the Public Healthcare commissariat the Pharmaceutical Department was opened. 34 self-financing drugstores, the central pharmacy warehouse, the analytical control laboratory and galenic laboratory were in its authority. Because of enlargement of the drugstore net in November, 1938, the Pharmaceutical Department of Uzbekistan was reorganized to the Main Pharmaceutical Department (MPD). For the purpose of approaching the healthcare and pharmacy services to village people, from 1938 in countryside medicinal departments of Uzbekistan the pharmacy subdivisions were being organized and to 1940 the quantity of drugstores in the Republic increased up to 172.
At the end of 1940 in MPD system 172 drugstores, 398 pharmacy subdivisions, 20 pharmacy shops, 76 pharmacy kiosks, 5 warehouses, 6 analytical control laboratories and 1 galenic laboratory operated.
During war years to the pharmacy system of Uzbekistan a lot of new tasks were placed, and the Republic pharmacists solved them successfully. MPD of the Republic in first priority delivered the medicinal preparations to evacuation clinics, therapeutic institutions for children and medical sanitary units of the industrial plants of the defense direction.
After war the following intensive development of the drugstore net continued, the work of the pharmaceutical institutions, supporting of workers of industrial plants and agricultural sector in medicines was improved. Only during the period 1959-1975 in the Republic 888 new drugstores were opened and 652 drugstores from them in countryside.
The new drugstores were built mainly in according to the standard projects. During the period from 1971 to 1977 more than 140 typical drugstores were built and 130 drugstores moved to the new modern buildings.
In June, 1978 in Tashkent the City Central training-production drugstore was opened.
At the beginning of 1981, 1500 drugstores (from them 1016 drugstores in countryside), 3434 pharmacy subdivisions (from them 217 – of the first grade), 25 pharmacy shops, 14 pharmacy warehouses and 14 analytical control laboratories were in the Main Pharmaceutical Department system of the Ministry of health.
One of the crucial factors for the following development of the pharmacy net and improving the quality of the pharmaceutical support for the people was the sufficient pharmaceutical personnel.
In 1958, in the Republican pharmacy net, 1490 professionals in pharmacy (from them 553 of high pharmaceutical education) worked. In 1981, 3150 qualified pharmaceutists (specialists of high pharmaceutical education) and 2970 pharmaceutists (specialists of secondary level special education) worked in the pharmacy field.
In 1984 the net of the Central Regional Drugstores (CRD) was organized, including 9 drugstores in Tashkent.
In 1987 in the Republic 1995 self-financing drugstores, including 1333 in countryside, and 6477 pharmaceutical subsidiaries were in operation. In therapeutic and prophylactic institutions were 445 in-hospital pharmacies.
In 1988 the Main Pharmaceutical Department were reorganized to «Farmacia>> Republican industrial association.
On the base of No132 Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Uzbekistan «On the destatization and privatization of the pharmacy institutions of the system of the Ministry of health of the Republic of Uzbekistan>> dated from 1994, March 11, «Farmacia>> Republican industrial association at the Ministry of health of the Republic of Uzbekistan from the 9-th of April, 1994 was reorganized to the «Dori-Darmon>> State joint-stock association.
On the base of No131 Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Uzbekistan dated from 2005, May 20, the «Dori-Darmon>> State joint-stock association was reorganized to «Dori-Darmon>> joint-stock company having the state share of 36.1 . «Dori-Darmon>> joint-stock company is a legal successor of the Republic Pharmaceutical Department.
In present, «Dori-Darmon>> joint-stock company is dynamically developing wholesale and retail enterprise, steadily keeping the leading positions in Uzbekistan pharmaceutical market, during more than 85 years supplying the people and therapeutic institutions of the Republic with large assortment of the pharmaceutical production of high quality. The company has own regional subdivisions including 8 joint-stock corporations and 10 subsidiaries with infrastructure of 18 warehouses, 15 analytical control laboratories, 594 pharmacy institutions, including 366 placed in countryside. From the pharmacy subsidiaries 78 are situated in countryside medicinal units, in mountain and far away regions of the Republic. «Dori-Darmon>> joint-stock company for some years has been the main executor of the state programs on the central supplying of the therapeutic institutions of the Ministry of health with medicinal preparations for treatment of social important diseases. The drugstores of «Dori-Darmon>> JSC net distributed free of charge near 75 medicinal preparations and medical goods for privileged category of patients. The list of 13 categories of patients to whom at the ambulatory treatment the medicinal preparations can be given free of charge, was approved in the Resolutions of the Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Uzbekistan No 532, dated 1997.12.02 and No188, 2002.05.31. For the purposes of improving the services for Tashkent people, including privileged category of patients, the «002>> information service «Dori-Darmon>> JSC net was organized. The service gives the full information about the presence of medicinal preparations and medical goods from 25 drugstores of the company situated in Tashkent city. The activity of «Dori-Darmon>> JSC is multifunction. «Dori-Darmon Garant>>, the subsidiary of the company, renders the services on the custom procedures and warehousing the pharmaceutical production at its own custom warehouse. «Dori-Darmon Invest>>, the second subsidiary, renders services in marketing researches of the pharmaceutical market of the Republic of Uzbekistan, and registration of the medicinal preparations and medical goods. Stable presence at the market, constant availability of the large assortment of the pharmaceutical production, possibilities to extension the cooperation with partners, promotion to the pharmaceutical market, let «Dori-Darmon>> JSC during many years of professional working be among the leaders at Uzbekistan pharmaceutical market. The company cooperates with more than 100 pharmaceutical manufacturers and suppliers from 50 countries and has the assortment of more than 3000 items. The central system of operational accounting lets the company managers get the necessary information, optimizes the process for acceptance, warehouse and marketing of the production, and coordinates the activities of warehouses ant units working in delivery, acceptance and distribution of the goods in «on line>> regimen. The leadership of «Dori-Darmon>> JSC at the pharmaceutical market of Uzbekistan is the result not only from the presence of advanced distribution nets with perfect logistic, but mainly from the whole management and personnel – many cohorts of pharmaceuticts devoted to their own business. A lot of pharmaceutists have the high and the first grades; the company gives the possibility to improve the professional qualification. Besides the supplying the people and therapeutic institutions with medicinal preparations, «Dori-Darmon>> JSC also works on developing of normative documents for the preparation of the medicines in pharmacy institutions, control the quality of the medicinal preparations made by the company and in-hospital pharmacies. The department of organization of pharmacy and control regularly control the pharmaceutical activities of the territorial subdivisions. In 2007 «Dori-Darmon>> JSC's common turnover was more then 67 bln sums; moreover, the annual dynamic growth not less then 24 is observed. «Dori-Darmon>> JSC has a good credit history. Customers, clients, suppliers and servicing banks have trust in us.
In June 2007, «Akhbor-Rating>>, the Inter-bank Rating Company, according to the Rating of Corporative Obligations Emitter of the national scale rated us as «uzA>>, that means the HIGH ability to well-timed and completely fulfill the credit obligations.

21, Akhunbabaev Squire
Ташкент; Ташкент; Почтовый индекс: 100021

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