Ammofos-Maxam AO is one of the largest companies in the Republic of Uzbekistan. It was established in 1969 and currently produces complex nitrogen-phosphorus fertilizers based on the phosphorites of the Kyzylkum deposit. The company is located at the foot of Mount Kuramin, 60 kilometers from Tashkent and 7 kilometers from the city of Almalyk, covering an area of 194.5 hectares. The main products and services offered by the company include ammonium phosphate, ammonium sulfate phosphate, suprefos, ammonium sulfate, DAP, electrolyte, sulfuric acid, feed-grade ammonium phosphate, trisodium phosphate (TSP), and others. Ammofos-Maxam AO is part of the State Joint Stock Company "Uzkimyosanoat" of the Republic of Uzbekistan. In February 2009, 49% of the company's shares were sold to the foreign investor, Maxam Corp, S.A.U, a Spanish corporation. The company has implemented and applies an integrated quality management system as part of its efforts to enter new markets, strengthen its position in the global community, gain credibility, and acquire new customers. It has obtained certifications for quality management, environmental safety, and occupational health and safety. The company's production is certified, and its testing and measuring laboratories are accredited and certified to meet ISO 17025 requirements. The main goal of the company is to unite the economic interests, intellectual potential, material, non-material, labor, and financial resources of its shareholders to carry out economic activities aimed at generating profit, including the production and sale of phosphorus and other mineral fertilizers.
Алмалык; Ташкентская область;
Почтовый индекс: 110100
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