Tutkovskyi PrAT is a company located in Kyiv, Ukraine. It was named after the renowned Ukrainian geologist and geographer, Pavel Apollonovich Tutkovsky (1858-1930), who was a professor at Kyiv University and one of the founders of the Ukrainian Academy of Sciences. Tutkovskyi PrAT operates as an operational center for a wide network of partner enterprises, working within a new form of business called a production platform for the efficient and balanced use of natural resources. The company offers project management services for the utilization of natural resources, providing a full range of necessary materials, equipment, and sales of produced goods. Tutkovskyi PrAT's services cover all types of natural resources. The company's philosophy is to provide the best-integrated high-tech solutions for the effective and attractive investment use of natural resources to consumers, investors, production companies, and governments. They aim to achieve a balanced and profitable business model for the utilization of natural resources. Tutkovskyi PrAT operates as an international hub, facilitating network cooperation and the integration of expertise and production capacities of individual enterprises to meet consumer needs. The company's partners are environmentally and socially responsible companies that share the ideals of corporate citizenship and sustainable development. Tutkovskyi PrAT's mission is to provide integrated high-tech solutions for the efficient, balanced, and attractive investment use of natural resources, contributing to positive changes in the world in response to the challenges of the 21st century.
вул. Дубровицька, буд. 28
Київ; Київ;
Почтовый индекс: 04114
Контактные детали: Для просмотра информации приобретите Тутковський ПрАТ отчет .
Вэб-сайт: http://tutkovsky.com
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