Odessa Port Plant AT, located in Yuzhne, is a company that was incorporated on December 28th. The company specializes in the production of ammonia, urea, and other chemical products, which are then shipped by sea for export. The plant also receives, stores, and ships the products of other Ukrainian manufacturers, such as ammonia, urea, and methanol. The products of Odessa Port Plant AT have a high demand both domestically and internationally, with 85% of their production being exported to over 30 countries worldwide. The plant has undergone systematic modernization and improvement of its technological equipment and processes, as well as the implementation of new technology and energy-saving measures. This has allowed the plant to exceed its projected capacity and operate at a higher level of efficiency. The production capacity for ammonia can reach 125% and for urea, it can reach 130%. Odessa Port Plant AT is a member of the International Fertilizer Association (IFA).
вул. Заводська, буд. 3
Южне; Одеська область;
Почтовый индекс: 65481
Контактные детали: Для просмотра информации приобретите Одеський припортовий завод АТ отчет .
Вэб-сайт: http://www.opz.odessa.net/
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