Motor-Bank AT is a universal bank located in Zaporizhzhia, Ukraine. It was registered in 2007 and changed its name to Motor-Bank Public Joint-Stock Company (PJSC) in 2009. The bank offers a full range of services to both corporate and private clients. Since its establishment, the bank has been gradually and effectively developing. It provides its customers with a wide selection of banking products and services. The bank's business is based on strengthening and developing mutually beneficial cooperation with enterprises in Ukraine's manufacturing sector. One of the bank's priorities is continuous work on improving its reliability and stability, implementing modern banking technologies, and enhancing the quality and range of services. The bank's strategic development focuses on customer orientation, regional network expansion, and high technological efficiency of banking operations. Motor-Bank AT intends to actively and consistently utilize its accumulated experience and knowledge of the Ukrainian business and expand its activities in the Ukrainian market. The bank is located at 54-B Motorobudivnykiv Avenue, Zaporizhzhia.
проспект Моторобудівників, 54-Б
Запоріжжя; Запорізька область;
Почтовый индекс: 69068
Контактные детали: Для просмотра информации приобретите Мотор-Банк АТ отчет .
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