Public Joint Stock Company "Ivano-Frankivsk Vinnytsyamyaso" was registered on May 12, 2006, under registration number 11741050014003428 by the Executive Committee of Vinnytsia City Council in Vinnytsia, Ukraine. The company was created through the reorganization of VAT "Vinnytsyamyaso" and was transformed from a lease into an Open Joint Stock Company. It was privatized as part of the integrated property complex of Vinnytsia Lease Association of the meat industry, according to the Order of the State Property Fund of Ukraine dated April 8, 1994, No. 24-AT. The company obtained confirmation of ownership rights to the list of immovable property that became part of its statutory capital. On November 7, 1928, during the celebration of the 11th anniversary of the Great October Revolution, the foundation of Vinnytsia Meat Plant was laid in the suburb of Vinnytsia called Zamostia. Vinnytsia Meat Plant played an important role in the development of the meat industry and was considered the flagship of the first five-year plan. VAT "Vinnytsyamyaso," which was created based on Vinnytsia Meat Plant, produced its first products in 1930. In November 2005, the enterprise celebrated its 75th anniversary. Throughout its existence, the company has undergone several reconstructions and technical upgrades. New productions were introduced annually, and the range of products was expanded. VAT "Vinnytsyamyaso" produces over 100 types of sausages, over 40 types of meat and meat-vegetable preserves. Additionally, it manufactures by-products, fats, raw materials for leather, and other types of products. The company sells its products in Vinnytsia and other regions of Ukraine. Retail trade is conducted through 2 company-owned stores, 3 kiosks, and 2 mobile sales points.
вул. Перемоги, буд. 20
Вінниця; Вінницька область;
Почтовый индекс: 21100
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