Commercial Bank Globus AT, located in Kyiv, offers a range of banking services to private individuals. These services are designed to meet the financial needs and interests of the bank's clients. Customers can choose from various banking services, including universal services for cash management, deposit programs, consumer loans, mortgages, auto loans, and current account opening and maintenance. The bank guarantees high-quality services and aims to make visits to their branches a tradition that brings satisfaction and takes minimal time. The bank offers private individuals advantageous rates for cash management, deposit programs with favorable interest rates and conditions, credit programs, convenient payment instruments such as payment cards, a wide range of operations with securities, and the ability to make various utility payments. The advantages of being a private individual customer at Commercial Bank Globus AT include a wide selection of deposit and credit programs, simple and transparent cooperation conditions, operational work, high professionalism of bank employees, and an individual approach.
провулок Куренівський, 19/5
Київ; Київ;
Почтовый индекс: 04073
Контактные детали: Для просмотра информации приобретите Глобус Банк АТ отчет .
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