AT "European Industrial Bank" (AT "ЄПБ") is a modern universal financial institution located in Kyiv, Ukraine. The bank was founded in 2008. Its main objective is to conduct a balanced credit and deposit policy, avoiding risky operations, in order to ensure the financial stability of the bank and preserve the guaranteed savings of its clients. The bank directs all its resources towards the development of banking products and modern technologies to align with European customer service standards. It offers a wide range of modern banking services to corporate clients and the general public, including international settlements and currency operations. On September 12, 2022, the rating committee of RA "Expert-Rating" decided to update the credit rating of AT "European Industrial Bank" to uaAA+ on the national scale, indicating a very high creditworthiness compared to other Ukrainian banks. On December 4, 2018, AT "European Industrial Bank" became a member of the Association "Independent Association of Banks of Ukraine," and on May 16, 2019, it was accepted as a member of the Association of Ukrainian Banks.
11/51 Tarasa Shevchenka Bulv
Київ; Київ;
Почтовый индекс: 01024
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