Ekoprod PrAT is an agricultural enterprise offering a wide range of products and services such as ecologically clean electricity, biogas production, liquid biological goods from waste, grain storage elevators, wholesale sale of roastrops, combo food for broilers, sunflower seeds, grain crops, dairy products, and animal feed. Ekoprod PrAT is also involved in the cultivation of various crops, the production of flour, and the development and implementation of innovative varieties of grain and oil crops. The company operates a modern plant of seed production and is engaged in the processing of agricultural crops, breeding of large cattle, and the manufacture of dairy products. Additionally, Ekoprod PrAT provides services for the cultivation of soil, storage of grains, and their cleaning and drying. The company has a wide target market, including the agricultural, livestock, and energy industries.
вул. Центральна, буд. 6 В
Волноваха; Донецька область;
Почтовый индекс: 85700
Контактные детали: Для просмотра информации приобретите Екопрод ПрАТ отчет .
Вэб-сайт: http://www.ecoprod.com.ua
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