Dniprovagonmash PrAT is a company located in Dniprodzerzhynsk. The company has the capacity to manufacture up to 9000 wagons per year. They have a modern equipment park that allows them to produce up to 5 different types of wagons simultaneously. The company applies the principle of operational reconfiguration of production capacities, which enables them to master new products. They have a wide range of series, from individual to large-scale and mass production. The industrial site includes 11 production workshops, including welding and assembly, forging and pressing, mechanical assembly, and painting and finishing workshops. They also have auxiliary workshops for tools, repair and mechanical work, power engineering, railway, non-rail transport, and warehouse management. The company has its own design bureau, founded in 1938, which provides them with a unique research and design base for 160 models of freight wagons. The company's design documentation for wagons is used in production by leading companies worldwide, not only in Ukraine but also in CIS countries, Romania, Finland, China, Germany, and South Africa. The company's experienced and professional team of engineers, along with modern design tools and flexible production technologies, contribute to innovative design solutions. The company has received numerous author's certificates and patents for its high level of technical solutions, inventions, industrial samples, and useful models. In the field of science and technology, Dniprovagonmash PrAT has three laureates of the State Prize.
буд. 4
Кам'янське; Дніпропетровська область;
Почтовый индекс: 51925
Контактные детали: Для просмотра информации приобретите Дніпровагонмаш ПрАТ отчет .
Вэб-сайт: https://dvmash.biz
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