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Bank 3/4 AT (Ukraine)

Main Activities: Commercial Banking
Full name: Bank 3/4 AT Profile Updated: November 22, 2024
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Bank 3/4 AT is a universal financial and credit institution located in Kyiv. The bank was registered in 2008 and is listed in the Unified State Register and the State Register of Banks. It is not a subsidiary or dependent economic entity. The bank's mission is to ensure the reliability and efficiency of the use and preservation of funds for depositors, shareholders, and investors. The bank's vision is to be a reliable universal bank that adheres to a customer-oriented business model, maintains financial stability in a constantly changing macroeconomic environment, increases competitiveness, maintains a proper level of solvency and liquidity, ensures profitable activities that satisfy the interests of shareholders, and fulfills its social function of creating jobs and paying taxes. The main directions of the bank's activities include adhering to the principles of a customer-oriented business model, providing comprehensive banking services to clients and increasing the digitization of the bank's services, further developing interbank business, investing in government securities and securities of reliable issuers, including in the international market, maintaining a balanced and restrained credit policy, expanding the bank's presence in electronic banking and payment systems, improving technological support and continuity of operations with the enhancement of the information security system, improving the corporate governance system, and ensuring an effective risk management and internal control system.

25, Kyrylivska
Kyiv; Kiev; Postal Code: 04080

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Basic Information
Total Employees:
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Outstanding Shares:
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Registered Capital:
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Financial Auditors:
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Incorporation Date:
July 15, 2008
Key Executives
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Chief Executive Officer
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Chief Financial Officer
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Vice Chairman
Ownership Details
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Tov Bank 3/4
Tov Kapovey Ukraina
Tov Mikrokredyt
Company Performance
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Key Financial Highlights
Annual growth percentages for latest two years in local currency UAH. Absolute financial data is included in the purchased report.
Net interest income
Net fee and commission income
Operating profit (EBIT)
Net Profit (Loss) for the Period
Total assets
Loans and advances to customers
Deposits from customers
Total equity
Total Assets Trend
Net Interest Income Trend
Cost to Income Ratio
Loans to Deposits Ratio
Loans to Asset Ratio

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