Ziraat Gayrimenkul Yatirim Ortakligi A.S. is an enterprise based in Turkiye. Its main office is in Istanbul. The enterprise currently operates in the Portfolio Management sector. Ziraat Gayrimenkul Yatirim Ortakligi A.S. currently employs 37 (2024) people. In 2023, the company reported a net sales revenue increase of 1209.25%. During that time, Ziraat Gayrimenkul Yatirim Ortakligi A.S.’s total assets grew by 94.94%. In 2023, Ziraat Gayrimenkul Yatirim Ortakligi A.S.’s net profit margin decreased by 3962.76%.
A Blok No:44a Finanskent Mahallesi Finans Caddesi Umraniye
Istanbul; Marmara;
Contact Details: Purchase the Ziraat Gayrimenkul Yatirim Ortakligi A.S. report to view the information.
Website: http://www.ziraatgyo.com.tr
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