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Nukleon Laboratuvar Ve Med Cihazlar Makine Imalat Kimy Ins Taah San Ve Tic Ltd Sti (Turkiye)

Main Activities: Surgical and Medical Instrument Manufacturing
Full name: Nukleon Laboratuvar Ve Med Cihazlar Makine Imalat Kimy Ins Taah San Ve Tic Ltd Sti Profile Updated: December 12, 2023
Buy our report for this company USD 19.99 Most recent financial data: 2021 Available in: English Download a sample report

NÜKLEON LABORATUVAR CİHAZLARI is a Turkish company that designs and manufactures laboratory equipment such as microbiological safety cabins, refrigerated incubators, and climate testing cabins. They use technologies such as electrostatic painting and stainless steel materials. The company serves industries including pharmaceutical, food, and cosmetic, and targets markets such as biology, medicine, veterinary, and botanical laboratories.

eski 675. Sokak No:37 Ivedik Organize Sanayi Bolgesi Oz Ankara Sanayi Sitesi 1464 Sokak Yenimahalle
Ankara; Central Anatolia; Postal Code: 06378

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Incorporation Date:
August 22, 2008
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