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Gediz Ambalaj Sanayi Ve Ticaret A.S. (Turkiye)

Main Activities: Plastics Packaging Materials and Unlaminated Film and Sheet Manufacturing
Full name: Gediz Ambalaj Sanayi Ve Ticaret Anonim Sirketi Profile Updated: September 10, 2024
Buy our report for this company USD 29.95 Most recent financial data: 2023 Available in: English Download a sample report

Gediz Ambalaj Sanayi Ve Ticaret Anonim Sirketi, located in Kutahya, was established in 1982 as Turkey's first and only polypropylene double-layer corrugated sheet factory. The factory operates with the Gediz Plastik A.Ş subsidiary and follows a Quality Management System. It is one of the largest producers in Europe with 6 Italian production lines, sheet shaping units, and a recycling facility. The company's vision is to become the world's largest PP sheet producer by providing products and services that meet the variable needs of international quality standards and ensuring continuous customer satisfaction in the shortest possible time. Their mission is to embrace customer satisfaction and continuous improvement as fundamental principles. They provide solutions that meet the needs of their customers from different sectors and global companies. To achieve this, they closely follow technological developments and define quality not as a final destination but as continuous improvement and sustainability. They set market standards by producing quickly and reliably in accordance with world standards.

Kutahya Gediz, Kararoad 3.Km, Gediz
Kutahya; Aegean; Postal Code: 43600

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Basic Information
Total Employees:
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Outstanding Shares:
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Registered Capital:
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Financial Auditors:
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Incorporation Date:
May 07, 1982
Key Executives
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Chief Financial Officer
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Vice Chairman
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Director/Member of the Board
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Director/Member of the Board
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Gediz Insaatcilik Petrol Sanay Ve Ticaret A.S
Gediz Plastik Petrol Tur. Tic A.S
Company Performance
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Key Financial Highlights
Annual growth percentages for latest two years in local currency TRY. Absolute financial data is included in the purchased report.
Net sales revenue
Total operating revenue
Operating profit (EBIT)
Net Profit (Loss) for the Period
Total assets
Total equity
Operating Profit Margin (ROS)
Net Profit Margin
Return on Equity (ROE)
Debt to Equity Ratio
Quick Ratio
Cash Ratio

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