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Akdeniz Reklamcilik Tanitim Hizmetleri T.A.S. (Turkiye)

Main Activities: All Other Amusement and Recreation Industries
Full name: Akdeniz Reklamcilik Tanitim Hizmetleri Ve Ticaret Anonim Sirketi Profile Updated: December 12, 2023
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YAPEX Exhibitions operates in the construction, design, and life sciences sectors. The company offers exhibition sites and services related to cleaning technology, analysis and laboratory technologies, biotechnology, pharmaceutical industry technology, and components. YAPEX Exhibitions serves organizations in Antalya and Istanbul, including Yapı, Restoration, InnDESING, Cleanroom, PharmaNEXT, Biotecnica, and Analytech. They also publish the industry newspaper CleanroomNEWS in conjunction with Prosigma Promotion.

Ilhan Apartmani Sitesi No:14-2 Fener Mahallesi 1953 Sokak Muratpasa
Antalya; Mediterranean; Postal Code: 07230

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Total Employees:
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Incorporation Date:
January 21, 1993
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