Eurospin Eko D.o.o. is a company located in Renche. It is the largest Italian discount store with over 1,200 sales points in Italy, Slovenia, and Croatia. The company has been in operation since 1993 and is constantly expanding its network of sales points in the region. Eurospin is a leading company in Italy in terms of the number of sales points, sales volume, and number of customers. Its main goal is to strengthen its position in Italy and become one of the most important companies in Europe while providing low prices with quality products. Eurospin Italia, S.p.A. is the holding company responsible for strategic activities such as purchasing, quality assurance, research and development, logistics services, marketing, human resources management and training, trading, quality management, data collection, planning, and expansion.
64 Renshki Podkraj
Postal Code: 5292
Contact Details: Purchase the Eurospin Eko D.o.o. report to view the information.
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