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Zernovoi Terminalnyi Kompleks Taman OOO (Russia)

Main Activities: Farm Product Warehousing and Storage
Full name: Zernovoi Terminalnyi Kompleks Taman OOO Profile Updated: May 22, 2023
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Zernovoi Terminalnyi Kompleks Taman OOO is a grain terminal located in the southwestern part of the Taman Peninsula, between Cape Panagia and Cape Zhelezny Rog, in the Krasnodar Krai region of Russia. The terminal is one of the most promising and dynamically developing grain terminals in the country, offering a wide range of services related to grain handling. The terminal has a normative capacity of up to 3.5 million tons per year, which is calculated based on the terminal's productivity, climatic conditions, customer commitment to product delivery, and market conditions. The terminal is equipped with high-speed and high-performance equipment, including a modern system for managing technological processes and an innovative oil-based dust suppression method. It also has a system of covered conveyors, allowing for the acceptance of goods from trucks throughout the year, regardless of weather conditions. The terminal has 16 silos with a total storage capacity of up to 192,000 tons. All silos are equipped with an automated thermometry system to monitor changes in grain temperature. In addition to receiving grain from trucks at a rate of 1,500 tons per hour, the terminal plans to introduce a railway unloading station to increase grain intake to 2,000 tons per hour. The terminal also owns a parking lot with a capacity of 150 trucks, which includes shower cabins and a cafeteria. The daily unloading capacity of trucks ranges from 500 to 650. Zernovoi Terminalnyi Kompleks Taman OOO has an automated system for accounting for the quality and quantity of grain, as well as a certified laboratory equipped with all the necessary equipment for determining the quality parameters of grain. The terminal owns two berths capable of handling Panamax and Postpanamax vessels with a width of up to 32 meters. It ensures loading onto ships at a rate of 1,200-1,500 tons per hour using NEUERO ship-loading machines.

Temryukskii Raion, Volna Poselok, 1500 M Zapadnee
Krasnodar Krai; Krasnodar Krai; Postal Code: 353535

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Basic Information
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Outstanding Shares:
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Financial Auditors:
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Incorporation Date:
June 26, 2009
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General Director
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Ptt OOO (Krasnodar Krai)
Company Performance
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Key Financial Highlights
Annual growth percentages for latest two years in local currency RUB. Absolute financial data is included in the purchased report.
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