Ust-Labinskgazstroy OOO operates in the gas industry, specializing in the design and construction of gas pipelines, gasification of social and cultural objects, and private households. The company offers polyethylene waste of the 153 - 10k cable brand at low prices and self-export conditions. They have a large resource base, their own non-destruction control lab, and high technical training. Ust-Labinskgazstroy OOO also performs development of project accounting documentation on gasification of gas pipes and steel and polyethylene gas supply.
Кавказская, 15
Усть-Лабинск; Краснодарский край;
Почтовый индекс: 352330
Контактные детали: Для просмотра информации приобретите Усть-Лабинскгазстрой ООО отчет .
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