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UEC-Saturn PAO (Russia)

Main Activities: Aircraft Engine and Engine Parts Manufacturing
Full name: UEC-Saturn PAO Profile Updated: June 14, 2024
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UEC-Saturn PAO is a company located in Rybinsk, Russia. It was created on July 5, 2001, through the merger of JOINT STOCK COMPANY 'Rybinsk motors' and JOINT STOCK COMPANY 'A.Lhl6ka-Saturn'. NPO Saturn is known for its ability to design and manufacture aircraft engines, from concept to official testing and series production. They offer a range of gas turbine engines for various applications, including civil aviation, maritime fleet, and power engineering. NPO Saturn is recognized as one of the most important enterprises in Russia's defense industry, based on its sales volume. The company invests $20-30 million annually in production modernization. With a design battalion consisting of around 70 experts, NPO Saturn has the capability to produce complex aviation and ground-based components with a wide range of mechanical characteristics.

Rybinskii Raion, Prospekt Lenina, 163
Rybinsk; Yaroslavl Oblast; Postal Code: 152903

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Basic Information
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Incorporation Date:
July 05, 2001
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Ao Satuz
Ltd. Promstroyzakazchik
Ltd. Software
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