Torgovaya Kompaniya Inagro OOO is a distribution company. It focuses on a portfolio of brands and work in federal and local retail, and has become a strong distributor in its respective categories. Inagro is one of the import and export trade partners in Russia's food market, and has established sales channels throughout Russia and the countries of the customs union. The company is also a distributor of ready-made food products and raw materials for bakery and flour confectionery production, and has introduced its own brand, 4Life, which is a leader in the food market sector.
Союзная, 7, А, Эт/Пом 2/42
Химки; Московская область;
Почтовый индекс: 141402
Контактные детали: Для просмотра информации приобретите Тк Инагро ООО отчет .
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