Torgovyi Dom Smolenskie Mashiny OOO is a company that sells road communal construction and special equipment, as well as accompanying spare parts and guns for excavators. They offer a wide range of communal special equipment and road equipment and are suppliers for road industry enterprises, as well as Railways, Russia, Belarus, Kazakhstan, and other CIS countries. The company is the official exclusive distributor of the plant LLC "Smolensky Machines" and the exclusive representative in Russia of the factory "Buyers Products Company" from the U.S. They also offer lease of specialized road equipment and implements combined machines of leading Russian and foreign manufacturers for the road industry enterprises and railway companies. Additionally, they offer modern lighting devices, snow cleaning equipment, sand-blowing equipment, and asphalt mixing installations. The company is involved in the production of high-quality equipment for road cover repair, specializing in machines using the technology of asphalt emulsion. They have the status of official Dealer and exclusive representative of 8 Russian and foreign factories and are the official dealer of Orsi Group Italy, Dulevo, and Buyers Products Company. The company is also engaged in the sale of specialized road equipment and offers operational service service of DULEVO in Russia. They offer 2 types of self-driving submetal machines distinguished by the technology of submitting vacuum submetal machines VP and combined mechanical vacuous submeter machines MVP. The company's headquarters is located in Russia and they operate in the road industry and railway sector.
Успенская, 4А, 324А
Красногорск; Московская область;
Почтовый индекс: 143409
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