Srednyaya Volga OOO operates in the environmental technology industry. The company specializes in developing and implementing technological equipment for cleaning goods of the mining industry. They offer equipment for cleaning wastewater from sulfate-ions and heavy metals, as well as organic and inorganic chemicals for industrial needs. Srednyaya Volga OOO has developed patented technologies for deep cleansing of wastewater and has a portfolio of implemented projects in various industries. They also provide services for the construction, installation, and launching of cleaning structures for mining and submarine waters. The company has a pilot technology installation for water purification and a research center for design and natural modeling based on obtained data. Srednyaya Volga OOO has a partnership network and processed logistics for the supply of necessary chemicals. They have also conducted global research work for mining water combination and have developed projects for the cleaning of mining waters in various fields. The company's equipment is used for modernizing existing water cleaning systems and is designed to compound and dehydrate rainfall obtained after water cleansing.
Винокурова, 56
Новочебоксарск; Чувашская Республика;
Почтовый индекс: 429959
Контактные детали: Для просмотра информации приобретите Средняя Волга ООО (Новочебоксарск) отчет .
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