Soyuzpromsnab OOO is a company specializing in manufacturing and supplying equipment for the mining and construction industries. They are the exclusive distributor in Russia and Uzbekistan of mining products from VETEK Germany. The company offers a specialized product nomenclature reflecting their experience in mining and tunnel construction, including boring tools for horizontally-directed burning. They also manufacture high-performance bolts and welding equipment for the protection of metal surfaces from wear, as well as TungStuds elements with a solid alloy core for effective protection against abrasive wear.
Спортивная, 8Б, 1
Новочеркасск; Ростовская область;
Почтовый индекс: 346413
Контактные детали: Для просмотра информации приобретите Спс ООО (Новочеркасск) отчет .
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