Skb Etsm OOO is a Russian-based LLC specializing in the design and manufacturing of excitement systems, including thyristor converters with natural air cooling and excitation systems for synchronous wireless machines and electromachine control stations. Their products are used in various industries such as electricity, black and color metal, oil and gas. They work with Russian companies and corporations in CIS countries and far abroad, offering installation, project development, start-up work, and training for operating staff. The company uses Siemens' "SINAMICS" control modules in their products and adheres to a modular principle of construction equipment. They are certified to use their products throughout the Russian Federation.
Рабочей Молодежи, 50, ОФ. 6
Екатеринбург; Свердловская область;
Почтовый индекс: 620014
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