Sigma-Vent OOO is a company specializing in the manufacturing of ventilation equipment, including firewalls. The company operates in the territory of the Russian Federation and has a production capacity of 11,000 valves per month. Sigma-Vent OOO's products are used in the construction of buildings of housing production and socio-cultural importance. The company has a production base equipped with modern metal processing equipment and employs managers and specialists. Sigma-Vent OOO's customers include installation, construction, design, and trade organizations in more than 250 cities of Russia.
Бойцовая, 27, 1, Пом 21, ОФ 122
Москва; Москва;
Почтовый индекс: 107150
Контактные детали: Для просмотра информации приобретите Сигма-Вент ООО отчет .
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