Sibtreid- Volna OOO is a construction company. The company specializes in the construction of small-storey houses, anti-corrosion materials, fire protection systems, and hydro-isolation additives. It also offers technologies for repair and protection of panels of gas-solobeton houses and is an exclusive dealer of Polyalphan and Fronton factory in the territory of Irkutsk and the region. Sibtreid- Volna OOO's products and services have a wide range of applications, including in buildings and structures of any type and purpose, such as medical and child pre-school institutions, public food and food manufacturing enterprises.
Мира, 13, 14
Иркутск; Иркутская область;
Почтовый индекс: 664002
Контактные детали: Для просмотра информации приобретите Сибтрейд-Волна ООО отчет .
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