Sibiar AO is a company that operates in the industry of manufacturing domestic aerosol products and perfume-cosmetics mass-segment. The company offers a wide range of products including air refreshers, women's cosmetics, home care, insect treatment, gas, male cosmetic, clothes and shoes care, car care, and children's products. Sibiar AO also provides contract production and additional production services. The company has received awards for its products and has a production capacity equipped with modern European equipment. It offers cooperation in the production of aerosol products under its own trademark or under the customer's brand. Sibiar AO's products are available in all cities of Russia and most CIS countries. The company has also developed a series of hair coatings and a line of insect repellents.
Станционная, 78
Новосибирск; Новосибирская область;
Почтовый индекс: 630096
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