Sheremetevo Bezopasnost AO is a company in the transport and aviation safety services industry. The company offers services, including training specialists in aviation security, providing technical means of inspection equipment, and implementing security measures at the International Airport Sheremetevo. They also offer services for monitoring aviation safety procedures at international airports in Egypt. Sheremetevo Bezopasnost AO targets companies interested in security, and their main business activities revolve around ensuring protection from illegal interference in civil aviation activities. They have developed and utilized production process technologies for the inspection of passengers, luggage, cargo, and aircraft. The company has a training center for aviation and transportation safety and provides services for the technical maintenance and repair of equipment.
Шереметьевское, 6К
Химки; Московская область;
Почтовый индекс: 141426
Контактные детали: Для просмотра информации приобретите Шереметьево Безопасность АО отчет .
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