Rostverk OOO is a manufacturer of construction and separation equipment, specializing in construction machines. They offer a range of products and services, including telescopic chargers, self-driving elevators, and lifting tables. Rostverk OOO targets industrial and commercial companies in construction, agricultural, forestry, woodworking, electricity, fuel, and food sectors. They are also involved in the sale and service of warehouse equipment, including Yale, Komatsu, JAC, Haulotte, Mitsuber, and Unilift. The company claims to have a strong presence in the South Federal District and provides services related to the selection, purchase, financing, and service of new and used equipment.
Им. Крупской (Пашковский Жилой Массив Те, 172
Краснодар; Краснодарский край;
Почтовый индекс: 350912
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