Rokos AO is a furniture factory that specializes in the production of wooden furniture, including tables and chairs for living rooms and dining areas. The company offers a wide range of classic and modern furniture made from natural wood, with a focus on environmentally clean materials and European wood processing technologies. The company also collaborates with Italian designers to create furniture models. Rokos AO targets the market for home furnishings, offering a variety of dining groups, tables, and chairs for sale in Moscow and other regions of Russia. The company also offers wholesale options and invites designers and architects to collaborate. Rokos AO's products are characterized by their durability, strength, and unique design, making them suitable for both residential and commercial use.
Защитников Осетии, 1
Владикавказ; Северная Осетия-Алания Республика;
Почтовый индекс: 362026
Контактные детали: Для просмотра информации приобретите Рокос АО (Владикавказ) отчет .
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