Pnevmatik OOO is a company specializing in fire protection materials and systems, as well as construction, repair, and maintenance of engineering networks. The company offers pipeline testing, television inspection, and cleaning of sanitation networks for industrial enterprises, private houses, and public buildings. Pnevmatik OOO is the official representative of the German company SVT Brandschutz and offers a comprehensive program of fire protection equipment and services. They also provide services for welding polyethylene and polypropylene tubes and have developed their own technologies for pipeline cleaning and restoration. With a team of qualified employees, Pnevmatik OOO has successfully addressed fire prevention and possible fires through appropriate precautions and has achieved positive results in reducing the concentration of harmful substances in wastewater below the PDC standards.
Аркадия Гайдара, 8, Б, 204
Пермь; Пермский Край;
Почтовый индекс: 614077
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