Proizvodstvenno-Kommercheskoe Predpriyatie Promstroydetal OOO specializes in the production and implementation of various iron concrete products. The company offers a wide variety of iron concrete products, including cover plates, iron-beton products, metal construction, and concrete mixtures with a granite filler. They also manufacture and sell concrete on a fence shelter, solid staircase marches, and iron concrete columns. The company has developed modern technological capabilities for the manufacture of non-standard iron concrete products and is recognized in the field of building houses, commercial and industrial buildings, and structures.
Пржевальского, 12
Тула; Тульская область;
Почтовый индекс: 300016
Контактные детали: Для просмотра информации приобретите Пкп Промстройдеталь ООО отчет .
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