Proizvodstvenno-Kommercheskaya Firma Siluet OOO is a company in the packaging industry that specializes in the production of soft containers made of polypropylene fabric. They offer a variety of containers for different industries such as oil production, construction, metal processing, mining, agriculture, chemical, and food. The company has a full technological cycle of production, including the manufacturing of polypropylene thread and PE film. They have offices in several cities and operate 24 hours a day. The containers are designed for storage, transportation, and protection of various products and are available in different sizes and modifications. The company works with transport companies and uses certified equipment for continuous monitoring and testing of their products.
Свободы, 2, 5, 54
Ярославль; Ярославская область;
Почтовый индекс: 150000
Контактные детали: Для просмотра информации приобретите Пкф Силуэт ООО (Ярославль) отчет .
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