Proizvodstvenno-Kommercheskaya Firma Altair OOO Group of Companies is a construction company specializing in the production of iron concrete products, road plates, wall blocks, and board stones. They also offer construction services for industrial and civil facilities. Proizvodstvenno-Kommercheskaya Firma Altair OOO uses modern equipment and technologies for their production and construction services, as well as providing logistics for cargo transport and storage of construction materials. The company targets road-building management, concrete plants, and iron-contained products, generating revenue through the production and sale of construction materials and services.
Пржевальского, 10
Тула; Тульская область;
Почтовый индекс: 300016
Контактные детали: Для просмотра информации приобретите Пкф Альтаир ООО отчет .
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