Pepeliaev Group is a legal company that offers a full range of legal services in Russia, CIS countries, and abroad. The company operates specialized practices such as Chinese Desk, Middle East Office, and Korean Desk, providing legal services to Chinese, Russian, and Korean companies. It also offers banking and financial practices, legal support for investment projects, and international business projects, especially in the Asian-Pacific direction. With a team of lawyers, the company is recognized as a legal firm in Russia and is a member of the TerraLex network. Pepeliaev Group also specializes in providing legal services to European food producers, international oil service companies, major sports tournaments in the Russian Federation, and in the field of telecommunications, media, and information technology.
3-Я Тверская-Ямская, 39, 1
Москва; Москва;
Почтовый индекс: 125047
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