Novosibirskii Zavod Stroitelnyh Konstruktsii OAO is a supplier of iron-beton products, concrete, and solutions in Novosibirsk and the Novosibirsk region. The company specializes in the production of iron concrete products, including borders, and offers a wide range of construction materials and services for both corporate and individual customers. They provide iron concrete products, beton, and solutions for construction needs, and have their own mobile concrete and soluble nodes for large-scale construction projects. The company also offers delivery of their products and solutions using their own machinery.
Большая, 254
Новосибирск; Новосибирская область;
Почтовый индекс: 630032
Контактные детали: Для просмотра информации приобретите Нзск ОАО отчет .
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