Nauchno-Proizvodstvennoe Predpriyatie Arms OOO specializes in implementing advanced technologies and materials in Russian energy facilities. The company is involved in the reconstruction of flow parts of steam turbines through the replacement of traditional types of folders on cell. They have developed wireless folders widely used in different types of steam turbines with a power of 40-1200 MW and are introduced on more than 200 turboagregates. The company also offers a complete set of work for the equipment of cell folding of flow parts of steam turbines, including the stages of development of technical solutions, manufacturing of components, and consultancy and head of installation services. They have developed technology for the recovery of cellular surface of deposits and segments of end folders damaged in the process of operation.
Октябрьский, 249, N4/N2
Люберцы; Московская область;
Почтовый индекс: 140000
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