Novopak OOO is a company that specializes in providing packaging services, including the production of cardboard boxes for archive and household storage, postal containers for shipping bottled products, and gift products. The company also offers pre-sales preparation services, including sorting, labeling, and packaging of products, as well as the production of SIM cards and POS materials. Novopak OOO utilizes various packaging materials such as paper, cardboard, BOPP film, and TPOP for packaging food and other goods. The company's production capabilities include the manufacturing of a line of boxes for home storage and cardboard packaging solutions for shipping bottles with wine or champagne by mail. Novopak OOO also provides services for the assembly and preparation of points of sale of all kinds of POS materials.
Обогатителей, 11, 1
Железногорск; Курская область;
Почтовый индекс: 307178
Контактные детали: Для просмотра информации приобретите Новопак ООО (Железногорск) отчет .
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