Neon-Art-M OOO is a company specializing in the development, manufacturing, and installation of architectural lighting using LED technology. They also offer manufacturing and installation of industrial furniture, metal treatment, and processing, as well as the development of constructive and technological solutions for various projects. The company has a wide range of equipment that enables the production of quality parts according to drawings. Neon-Art-M OOO has developed and manufactured various products such as mobile pavilions, decorative elements, and lighting installations for different applications. They also provide solutions for the storage and storing tasks of things and tools, and the manufacturing of zinc lights for industrial, warehouse, and public buildings. Additionally, they have worked on projects involving the development and manufacturing of voting boxes and the creation of comprehensive solutions for construction and park infrastructure.
Карла Маркса, 1/10
Казань; Татарстан Республика;
Почтовый индекс: 420111
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