NPF Fyulek OOO is a scientific and manufacturing firm that specializes in the synthesis of fluoride materials. The company develops and manufactures fluoride-containing anti-corrosion polymer materials under the FLK brand, including fluorepoxide coatings for long-term protection against corrosion and protection against flushing. Their products are used in various industries, including nuclear, chemical, oil, food, and transportation. The company has a team of specialists who conduct scientific research work in the synthesis of fluoride-containing compositions with assigned properties to solve applied tasks. Their products are designed for long-term protection of various surfaces against aggressive mediums, including acids, alkalines, salts, and other corrosive substances.
Обуховской Обороны, 120, Л
Санкт-Петербург; Санкт-Петербург;
Почтовый индекс: 192012
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