Mayak-Plastkonstruktsiya OOO is a company specializing in the serial production of plastic products using the method of pressing. The company offers a wide range of plastic products, including shapes for brushes, trail plates, borders, and waterproofs. They also provide comprehensive technological services for the manufacture of products made of plastics, rubber, and metals. Mayak-Plastkonstruktsiya OOO operates a modern manufacturing complex and utilizes reliable import machines for production. The company is also involved in the manufacture of products and equipment for the "Kirovsky Factory" Mayak, an enterprise of the military-industrial complex of the Russian Federation. Mayak-Plastkonstruktsiya OOO is known for its design, manufacturing, and repair of press forms for thermoplastomates and hydraulic presses.
Тихая, 12, 107
Киров; Кировская область;
Почтовый индекс: 610912
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