Monolith ZAO is a construction equipment company. They offer a wide selection of equipment for the production of construction materials, including vibropresses, lines with automation, and machinery for blocks. Their products include vibropresses Mester Meteor 1500, Master Leader 3000, Master Atlant 4500, and Self-Driving Master, used for the production of glass blocks, wall blocks, trail plates, and other concrete products. Monolith ZAO's equipment is designed for construction materials and is suitable for both large-scale production and family businesses.
50-Летия Октября, 5
Златоуст; Челябинская область;
Почтовый индекс: 456208
Контактные детали: Для просмотра информации приобретите Монолит ЗАО (Златоуст) отчет .
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