Mirovaya Tehnika OOO operates in the agricultural industry. The company specializes in the production of auxiliary machines for seed and mining work, bunker-coverers, and specialized semiconductors. They also offer the exclusive TechShield program, which includes oil monitoring, warning and detection of engine problems, and technical maintenance. Their target market includes agricultural holdings, farm farms, processing production, and grain companies. Mirovaya Tehnika OOO offers a wide range of products and solutions for agriculture, including road construction machinery, irrigation systems, grass cutting combines, and planting machinery. The company also participates in agricultural exhibitions to showcase their products and latest achievements in the agro-industrial complex.
Новоузенская, 8
Саратов; Саратовская область;
Почтовый индекс: 410017
Контактные детали: Для просмотра информации приобретите Миртех ООО (Саратов) отчет .
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