Mehanizirovannyi Kompleks OOO is a manufacturing and engineering company. They specialize in producing and supplying equipment for the metallurgy, nuclear energy, oil and gas sector, and machinery industry. Their products include equipment for gas pipelines, cargo lifting cranes, and metal structures. Mehanizirovannyi Kompleks OOO also offers services such as metal cutting and pre-treatment, as well as the supply of spare parts for cargo lifting cranes. The company targets the Russian market and the CIS countries, and their revenue is derived from the sale of their products and services. Mehanizirovannyi Kompleks OOO has developed and utilized modern equipment and technologies to produce high-quality products certified according to world standards.
Артиллерийская, 124, 10
Челябинск; Челябинская область;
Почтовый индекс: 454007
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